What this Blog is Not

When I began this blog, I wanted to create a resource that would help other young professionals. There are a couple of things I’d like to point out that make my blog different, what this blog is not:

1) One big billboard for advertisements. Nothing irks me more than to one minute be getting advice and the next being bombarded with an advertisement. If you’re not sure if you’re getting sound advice or falling victim of a scam, it’s probably not a reliable source. From time to time I do have some advertising on the site, and it will be clear when I am being compensated for it. I do vet all ads to make sure they are aligned to the YMF brand.

2) An end all resource of solid financial advice. No one knows the future and not all solutions work for everybody. Please take any information with a grain of salt and realize that while my advice is good advice, you still should consider your own situation carefully before make changes.

3) All you’ll need to achieve financial freedom. Getting on the right path will take a lot more than just reading my blog.