Introducing the YMF Store

Introducing the YMF Store

I’ve been blogging here at YoungMoneyFinance for coming up on 6 years, which is so crazy for me to think about. I started this blog shortly after getting my first real job out of college. I had time on my hands and money to spend. I noticed some of my peers not making the wisest financial decisions (i.e. buying a brand new sports car or going out both nights on the weekends and spending way too much on food/beverages). I overheard them talking about being stressed about their student loans and how they’d save for retirement later. Growing up my parents instilled in me a sense of frugality and I always found myself working and saving all throughout middle school, high school and college. Transitioning to the real world post-college came with more financial decisions and more things to save for. I set goals, had a plan and took the necessary steps to achieve them. I figured that maybe folks would care what I would have to say about personal finance and decided to start the blog!

As it says on the home page of my blog, I’m truly on a mission; a mission to provide modern, relevant and easy to understand financial knowledge to my readers. Throughout my time blogging, I’ve tried different things to help me meet my goal. Early on I tried posting frequently with decent (but not great) articles. After I got married (hmmm coincidence with me having less time?), I moved to once a week posting, and instead tried to focus on quality articles. Earlier this year I revamped the site and made it look much better (at least I think so) to help make it more visually appealing. I’ve tried offering financial coaching sessions, both in person if you’re in the Atlanta area and over the interwebs, virtually. I’m here today to introduce a new way I’m trying to provide helpful financial knowledge: YoungMoneyFinance Financial Guides.

I do a lot of reading of financial articles, whether news, more academic type websites or other blogs. I do this both to research for my own blog and for my own personal enjoyment. The more I read, the more I feel that so much of it just isn’t that helpful. So many articles are just advertisements hidden in disguise (i.e. “Why you MUST buy a house NOW”….written by a realtor or “Why investing in gold is the smartest decision you can make”…written by a gold distributor) or they are just a bunch of nonsense that when you get to the end of the article you’re like, “ok…that told me nothing”. It might just be me that feels this way, but I decided I want to do something to try to soften all the “noise” that’s out there around financial articles. The tagline for YoungMoneyFinance Financial Guides is “everything you need to know without all the stuff you don’t need to know”.

The idea behind the guides came from trying to help a friend open a retirement account. I realized that I couldn’t easily send them an article or a website because when I searched for that topic I got pages of pages of both advertisements and noise. What I felt was missing was a concise, easy to understand, free of any ads or biases guide. I wrote my first guide on how to open a retirement account and sent it to a few friends. Those friends passed it along to other friends and overall it got good feedback! The goal of keeping it concise and easy to follow was met and readers were able to quickly get what they were looking for, without having to shuffle through a lot more.

With that background, I’m pleased to introduce the guides! I’ve got 4 written so far: ‘How to open a retirement account’, ‘How to buy a house’, ‘Personal Finance 101’ and the ‘Personal Finance Checklist’. Each is fairly short (4-10 pages) and will provide step-by-step info as well as just enough background to help you make an informed decision.

It’s a bit of a leap for me personally to take my financial knowledge and desire to share further than the blog and offer it in a more in-depth format a la a guide, but I’m passionate about financial independence! I hope my readers find these helpful and enjoy them.

You can click the links below or hop on over to the newly created store to purchase your copy today. In recognition of this new product release, the first 50 customers purchasing each guide will get 50% off their purchase. Just be sure to use discount code “ymfguides” at checkout. Once purchased, you’ll receive a PDF via your email. Thanks in advance for all the support!

Personal Finance 101

Personal Finance Checklist


Saving for Retirement

Buying a house

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