Six ways personal finance is just like working out

1) None of us really enjoy doing it. Going to the gym takes just as much motivation as updating a budget. gym



2) We all want the end goal without the effort. Getting in shape and being financially sound all both things we strive towards but don’t want to put the effort into doing.


3) Paying for a trainer is helpful but not necessary. Just like paying for a personal trainer will get you into shape, paying for professional financial services is helpful but with a bit of willpower, isn’t necessary.


4) 21 days is all it takes. It’s been said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Day 22 of going to the gym with your workout routine is much easier than day 1. Same goes for personal finance, all it takes is getting into a habit. Pretty soon you’ll be saying no to that third Starbucks of the week, packing your lunch and keeping tabs on your budget.
5) The more you do it, the easier it’ll get. Once you get in the routine of it, and build up some muscles, working out is pretty awesome. It’s much easier when you are seeing growth and results. Building up an emergency fund and your balance in a savings account is just as gratifying. Paying down debt is gratifying too! A little bit of progress turns into a lot more motivation.
6) You need a plan. A workout routines without a plan doesn’t get your very far. Mondays might be leg days, Tuesdays chest, Thursdays core and Fridays cardio. An end goal with your finances is worthless without knowing that you want to tackle your debt or save up for a house. Making a plan will prevent potential failure, as long as you stick to it!


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