Surviving the grocery store

If you’re anything like me, grocery shopping isn’t super high on my list of things I’d like to spend my time doing. It always seems crowded, there are just too many food options, sometimes a weird smell and somehow my shopping cart always gets too full. I get to the check out and am always blown away by the total on the register. I spent how much?!? ($196 last visit.)I always swear that I’ll stick to my list and yet somehow manage to buy things not on it. Grocery spending eats up a large portion of people’s budgets yet it’s an absolute necessity! I’ve come up with 10 strategies to make the next trip less stressful and cheaper!

1) Make a list and check it twice!

Go in to a grocery store without a list and it’ll be over before it even begins. I keep a running list on my fridge of things that I need to buy at the grocery store. The day before I plan to go, or even a couple of hours before; I check all my cabinets, fridge and pantry to make sure I have everything that I need on my shopping

2) Upgrade your list.

Not only does my shopping list contain the things that I need to buy, it also contains the things I don’t need to buy. I got tired of coming home and finding that I already had enough of something that I’d bought at the store. With a list of things I don’t need, I stay focused and waste less time trying to remember whether or not I need something.

3) Less frequent is better.

Much to my wife’s dismay, (“we never have any fresh food”) I only grocery shop once per month. Gasp! Once per month?!? Some people I know go once a day! There are a couple of reasons for this. Having a good plan laid out for my food helps me waste less. And since I waste less, I don’t need to go grocery shopping as often. I’m also honest with myself; grocery stores are tempting places. Grocery stores know how to get you to say ‘yes’ to something you wouldn’t have and how to squeeze a bit more money out of you. Every time I go shopping I inevitably buy a couple of things I wasn’t planning on, and that’s just part of life. I therefore reduce the chances grocery stores have to tempt me by going less frequently!

4) Coupons are still cool.

Whether you get them online or the old fashioned print way, coupons will save you money. A word of warning though; try to just use coupons for things you ordinarily would buy. I don’t mind switching over to a new brand of butter if I can save $0.50 but if I don’t need to buy butter this month, the coupon will do more harm than good!

5) Don’t be a sucker for brand names.

If you’re drawn towards a certain product because you recognize the brand name, it’s probably not because it’s a better brand…it’s probably because they pay more to advertise. I’ve found that store brands are on the whole, on par if not better than the big name brands. While I don’t exclusively buy store brands, I certainly try to load my basket with more store brand items than not!

6) Buy in bulk.

When you purchase things in larger quantities, you are normally rewarded by getting a break in the per unit price. Now I’m not saying to go out and buy a year’s supply of toilet paper, but buying in bulk can make sense when it’s something  you know you’ll use.

7) Waste not, want not.

I read that Americans throw away 40% of the food they buy. Climate consequences aside, that’s a lot of money to just throw away! Learn to buy foods that you’ll eat and that are the right portion that you’ll be able to eat. The less you waste the less you have to buy!

8) Don’t go grocery shopping hungry.

Bad idea right there. Suddenly everything looks tasty and everything looks like you need it right then and there. A hungry stomach makes for a clouded mind and a clouded mind buys things you don’t need or perhaps even really want!

9) A sale doesn’t always mean a good deal.

Always take a sale with a grain of salt. Stop, take a step back and ask yourself: is this really a good price? Is it just on sale because it’s a brand name? How does it compare with the store brand prices or even with the price of the item normally?

10) Never get a shopping cart unless you truly need it.

Don’t go asking for trouble, if you do, it’s likely to find you! Pushing around a large shopping cart with a lot of room will just be a temptation for you to fill it up with more stuff!

Grocery store shopping is something we all have to do on a semi-regular basis. Why not make it less of a frustration for our wallet and more of a chance for us to enjoy?

Thanks for reading! Have you read these other articles yet?

How I’m saving $110 this month (and so can you!)

An attitude of doing, not reading

8 ways to pull of brown bagging

And have you checked out my buddies over at the Morning Brief yet? Great stuff!

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