I live differently and I’m ok with it

Being financially fit certainly isn’t the most popular lifestyle. I know that I get secretly judged and I accept that I’ll get some confused looks once in a while. Choosing to live a lifestyle of making wise financial choices certainly isn’t ‘cool’. I’ll even admit it; I’m certainly ‘lame’ from time to time. Choosing to pack my lunch took me a lot longer to bond with coworkers. Not going out some Friday nights makes it hard for me to keep up with my circle of friends. I’m ok with it though. As Dave Ramsey put it, ‘live like no one else so later you can live like no one else’. I’m doing my best to save a lot of money. I’ve got a budget that doesn’t include all that many social outings. However, I believe I’m setting myself up for long-term financial success. That end goal, financial freedom is worth a sacrifice here and there for me.

How I’m different

People around my work know me as the ‘PB&J’ guy. 98% of lunch days over the past 2.5 years, I’ve brought PB&J, chips, carrots and some chocolate. Others will go grab lunch at Chic-fil-a or Subway while I patiently hope they bring it back so I can eat with them. It’s not tasty but it’s affordable, like $2 per lunch. That’s a lot cheaper than the $6-$10 they’ll spend. I get into work early each day so I can find street parking. Parking in our deck costs $5/day, with come and go as you please privileges. I’ve diligently gotten up early and thus gone to bed early every week night so I can save that money. I budget my finances to the penny and I use Excel. Some people use Mint.com or don’t even have one, which can make their life much easier. I choose to have a plan and I do the work to make sure I stick with it. I also save 10% for my retirement, and I wish I could save more. As one co-worker put it, “Wow”. It’s not easy seeing that money come out of my paycheck and be put aside for the next 50 years. The point is, I do live my life differently from my peers. It’s not easy seeing them go out both nights of the weekend, seeing them roll up in brand new cars while they talk on their latest cell phones.lunch

Why I’m different

You might look at my lifestyle and say, “YOLO”. We’ve only got one life and you might as well enjoy it. That’s where we’re the same. I also realize I’ve only got one life and also want to enjoy it. I just know that with a couple of small steps in my current life, I’ll be setting myself up for a lifetime of financial freedom. Having a budget allowed me to save up enough for a down payment, which allowed me to buy a house, which freed me from rent and allowed me to build up equity which will allow me to make even more money. My retirement savings is small now but I keep contributing and thanks to compound interest, my money will snowball into 6 figures (hopefully). It’s the little things in life that set me apart now and that will make the difference in the long run.

Why you should be different to (a little!)

Life isn’t a one size fits all recipe. Although I pack my lunch each day, I’ll drop $300 on a flight out west. We all have to spend our money some way. Look at your own life and figure out what’s important to you and spend your money there. Find creative ways to cut expenses and save a little money each month. Your methods certainly don’t have to be as extreme as mine but you have to have methods. Life’s too short to throw our future away on an extra Starbucks or new pair of shoes. Find what works for you and stick with it!

We’re all a little different and the sooner you stop trying to conform to what your peers are doing, you’ll be set free to focus on your own future! YOLO!

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One Response

  1. I brown bag it every day to work, too. I’d much rather spend my money on vacations or something more meaningful than Subway. I’m spoiled, though – my husband is a great cook and we often have leftovers, so brown bagging it is easy!

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