I need your help: Survey Time!

YoungMoneyFinance has honestly been an incredible ride for me. I’ve been running the site now for about a year and a half. It’s certainly had its ups and downs but I’ve learned a lot about myself and about personal finance. Over 10,000 of you from over 50 countries have stopped by. Hundreds of you have left comments, and dozens have reached out with personal questions. To be successful at anything in life, you always need to be thinking two steps ahead. That’s why I’ve created a survey, the Future of YMF.

My goal of the blog has always been to help young professionals better manage their money. Whether it is through reading an article I write or through an email conversation we have, I really love doing this stuff. I’d like to be able to continue reaching and helping people as best that I can, and have a few ideas for how I’d like to accomplish that. These are just some ideas that I’ve been thinking through, and I’d love to get your feedback!

I’d REALLY, REALLY love it if I could get 100 responses. The survey is super short, only 10 questions and I’d super appreciate you taking 3 minutes to fill it out. Also, I’d be quite thankful if you shared this on Facebook, the more responses the better!

Once, more, you + 99 friends taking 3 minutes each will help me better YMF to better serve you! Here’s the link again:


Thanks so much!



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