First quarter review

First quarter review

As Q1 2018 comes to a close, I thought I’d be a little reflective myself and share a few updates with the blog and myself. It’s good every now and again to hit pause and examine where we’ve been in an effort to make sure we’re still heading in the right direction. I’d encourage you to do something similar in your own life. Take some time and reflect on our own finances. What progress have you made on the path to financial freedom?

The blog

Q1 2018 saw a recommitment to the blog. I’ve been blogging for over 5 years, with lots of highs and lows. Somehow I keep coming up with topics to write and people keep reading them! I’ve been planning to do a site redesign for a few months now, my old theme was a great starter theme that served me well but for me to continue growing the blog, I knew I needed something that looked more professional. So, after some research, some scouting for themes, some help from a more artistically inclined then me friend, I found my theme! Over a weekend, I nervously took the old theme down and put the new one up. So far so good! I had to make a few more tweaks since then but overall I’m quite pleased, and hope you agree!

In terms of posts, the most popular (by far) was Preparing for the Worst. The article was a personal story from a friend of the blog who lost loved ones in a tragic accident. It was helpful to hear his experience going through that, in an effort to ourselves be better prepared for the unexpected. How I manage my money was another popular one, in which I walked readers through how I personally manage my money and gave some recommendations. The advice wasn’t earth-shattering but I do think helpful for readers to pick up some tips for practically managing their own money. I got a lot of good traction on will the new tax law affect me as I broke down the new tax law and it’s implications on young professionals. Finally, a personal favorite of the quarter was an article in which I explained how I booked free first class tickets to Europe – both because I was happy to share and because I’d successfully pulled it off!

One of my favorite parts of the blog is the ability to connect with readers through consultations. I was able to connect with a few readers this quarter and really enjoyed it. Several were looking for assistance in getting a retirement account setup, which is a huge win for me seeing them now actively saving for retirement! Other readers wanted some help just doing an overall review of their finances, in an effort to make sure they are on track. Definitely a fun part of this and I would encourage other readers to reach out as well if you’d like to chat! Fill out the form on the Contact Us page and we’ll be in touch!

The author

Mr. YoungMoneyFinance himself continues to do well! In my professional life, I continue to work in healthcare IT as an implementation specialist. I’m learning a lot, growing professional and generally enjoying the work I do. It certainly pays the bills and allows me to both save/invest a lot and also supports a fun lifestyle. I hope it won’t be forever but I’m enjoying it for now!

From a financial standpoint, I’m continually blessed. My hard work and discipline over years has really paid off. I’m saving 15% for retirement, investing and saving a good chunk of my income. I continue to participate in my company’s Employee Stock Purchase Program, which gives me a nice 15% discount on company stock. I’ve also been challenge by a few readers to think more about investing and what that could look like. Previously I was contributing a few extra hundred to the mortgage each month, now I’m thinking of better ways to earn a healthier return on my money. Mrs. Money has taken up grad school (part-time, online) and thankfully we’re able to pay cash for that, with the support of some tuition reimbursement from her job. That takes up most of the extra saving/investing for now. It’s an uncertain world and a volatile market but I know I’m investing for the long run so I try to tune out the noise and stay focused on saving and investing!

What’s to come

I’ve got big plans for the blog and continue to plan weekly posts. I’ve had a few guest posters this quarter and plan to continue that trend moving forward; it’s always nice having a new perspective! I’ve also been working on a few guides that I think might be helpful to readers, like “How to open a retirement account”. I’ve got a few guides in the works and will look to test a few out in the coming months.

Finally, one ask from you is to continue reading, engaging and providing feedback! I love hearing from readers and am always happy to provide some focused advice. Feel free to email me: ben at Also, there’s lots of good material on the Facebook and Twitter page, so be sure you’re following them to not miss out on anything!

Thanks again for all the support and encouragement!

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