Driving safe

Driving safe

For many of us, we probably hit the road this past weekend, as it was Labor Day here in the US. Whether you were driving to the mountains, beach, lake or to visit someone in another city, many of us spend a considerable amount of time in our cars. Regardless of whether you’ve had your license for a long-time, or are a brand new driver, the risks of driving are always with us, and getting in the car will always carry some risk. In the spirit of safe driving during a busy travel time, I wanted to share a few recommendations on safe driving. Not only will driving safe keep you safe, but it can also help keep your insurance premiums low, which will save you money!

Buckle Up 

In a car accident, the risk of death if not wearing a seat belt is 10 times higher in an event of an accident than if a belt is worn. It is the responsibility of the driver to make sure that each person in the vehicle is wearing a belt- remind teens to lead by example and to wear their seatbelt each time they are in a moving vehicle. It sometimes shocks me that people don’t wear a seatbelt all the time – just do it!

Ignore The Phone 

Even with the invention of hands-free, speakerphone and Bluetooth headsets–phones should still not be used at all while driving. Here in Georgia, where I live, it’s actually illegal to hold your phone while driving. Physical, visual and cognitive distraction is completely unsafe and increases the odds of a car accident. Don’t do it when you’re driving, and remind your driver to do the same!

In incidents where a call needs to made, find a safe place to stop before making a call-where they won’t risk any danger for themselves or any other drivers. Research stated that each time a driver writes or sends a text, their eyes are off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds- the same amount of time it would take to drive across the length of a football field. Wow. The driver’s job is to watch the road and to remain focused. Nobody else is responsible for this. 

Look out for Pedestrians

While it is important to remain focused on the road, it is also important to consider the safety of sidewalk users, too. This point is articulated again in an article by AssuranceAmerica,  preparing drivers for the return of school being back in session. There are many other things that can distract drivers from the road, along with their mobile phone–such as friends walking by. 

Remind drivers to use their mirrors and to check their blind spot each time they move off into the road, checking for both cars and pedestrians, and consider how their movements could impact on those around them. 

Stick to the Speed Limit

Driving above the speed limit is incredibly dangerous. There is no pressure to keep up with other vehicles in road traffic, and the speed limit is exactly that-a limit, it is not a goal. Sticking to the speed limit will not only decrease the risk of road traffic accidents, but it will also prevent high insurance premiums. The older I get the more I realize it’s just not worth it to go faster.

No matter how experienced you are, driving is always a risk! Slow down, stay focuses and arrive alive!

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