Simple ways to save money

Simple ways to save money

There are two ways to improve your personal finances: either bring in more money (work more, get a raise, start a side hustle), or by cutting back on your expenses. In my opinion it’s easier to cut back on expenses, although I’m definitely a fan of both options. That being said, we’re all on the lookout for simple ways to save money. After all, many of us have tight budgets and any extra leftover is certainly welcomed! More disposable income means more money to spend on things you want rather than the things you need. So, what are some simple money saving tricks you can incorporate into your day to day routine? Here are a few to get you started in the right direction!

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Reduce Your Energy Bills

We all need to pay for energy. As much as I’d prefer to keep the thermostat off…it’s far too cold in the winter and hot in the summer. I need to have lights on and running water. We all therefore pay the utility bill one way or another once a month. Question – when’s the last time you took a good hard look at your provider and usage? It may have been a while, so utilities are an easy place to start looking to save money on.

Start by considering green energy options – these are often low cost and are also better for the environment. Avoid sticking with a brand just because you’re used to using them. Do thorough research when selecting a new appliance, and definitely when first selecting a utility company. Use price comparison sites to point you in the right direction. These will show you the best offers on the market when it comes to changing your contract. You should also keep an eye out for referral bonuses! These could see you get a bonus pay out or a chunk of money taken off your first bill with your new supplier!

Secondly, start cutting back more on utility usage. We keep our thermostat in the winter at 68 and around 74-76 in the summer. It’s not the most comfortable but it saves real money on my utility bill each month and my body has gotten used to it. Reduce water usage however you can whether it’s putting a jar of water in your toilets to conserve when you flush (true story…did that in all my toilets), making sure the washer is full before running, or even turning the water off when you brush your teeth. Not only are these small tweaks good for the environment, they’re also good for your wallet!

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Pay Your Fines, and Pay Them Quickly

Whether it’s a parking ticket, a speeding ticket, a late fine from the library, or even a false alarm that saw the fire department come out (happened to neighbors recently), we all make mistakes from time to time and have to pay for them. It’s best to go ahead and pay them, getting them out of your way and avoiding any late fees. So, if you do find yourself in a situation where you have a vc 22349a or another form of ticket or fine (that’s a specific California type ticket), your best bet for saving money is to pay the ticket as soon as possible. Many people will offer a lower rate if you pay within a set number of days. So, don’t procrastinate and pay your fine quickly. Of course there are scenarios in which you need to work with the agency to contest or have it reviewed, but the sooner you get started on it, the better!

Cut Food and Drink Costs

I don’t know about you but food costs are such a large portion of my budget. We need food and drink to survive and many of us look forward to the food and drink we have. Whether it’s eating out, ordering take out (I just got a year of DoorDash from my credit card and cannot wait to try it out), or even groceries, they add up. Have you ever considered switching branded goods for unbranded goods? Many can’t taste the difference between branded and white label goods and the latter can be a whole lot cheaper! I often find store brands $0.50-$1.00 cheaper…and that adds up!

I always recommend meal planning, as eating in is so much cheaper vs eating out (or even take out). Mrs. Money and I meal plan every Sunday and try to map out what we’ll make and purchase the groceries we’ll need. Occasionally we do eat out, but mostly on weekends. Also when eating out, water tends to always be an affordable (and healthy option). Just saying!

These are just a few things you can do to save money in your day to day life. They’re simple to implement and can make all the difference!

Disclosure: Some links are affiliate links that may earn me a commission.

One Response

  1. Great Article. I agree with the fact of paying your fines ASAP. Another way to save more money is to take advantage of your refer a friend schemes. I’ve found them useful in the past and if I may there is a site called Referral Codes which is my favourite at finding a great load of refferal schemes and codes. If you have time check it out.

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