Disengagement at Work

Disengagement at Work

Ever feel burned out at work, disengaged or bored? While the vast majority of us need to work in order to be able to pay the bills and put food on the table, it shouldn’t be a total drag should it be? The lack of engagement in the workplace isn’t just bad for output; it’s changing the way that people see their financial lives. Working is a necessity and young professionals are expecting more from employers and are less likely to be satisfied with a sub-par working environment.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Lack of engagement in the workplace is having a massive impact on the economy. As the following infographic shows, the real cost is somewhere between $450 and $550 billion per year – which is pretty large!

There are many reasons for this lack of engagement. For 60% of workers, the issue is stress. Work takes a terrible toll on their mental health, leading to a host of disorders and an ability to unwind in the evenings. Life is too short to work at a stressful job.

Burnout is another significant issue. Around 53% of employees work overtime, with approximately 38% overwhelmed by the amount of work that they have to do. 

A few thoughts before presenting you with the below infographic that dives more into it:

  1. Life is short. Don’t waste your life away in a job that you don’t enjoy. Figure out what you value out a job and find a job that meets your needs.
  2. It’s about more than money. Don’t go chasing a job just for the pay. I know plenty of unhappy people that make loads of money and plenty of happy people that make decent money.
  3. Have balance. As crazy as it sounds, working 60+ hours per week probably isn’t: healthy, satisfying or sustainable. I know our culture today idolizes working a ton, but I don’t think it should be that way. Aim for less. Come in each day with a plan and work smart, not hard.
  4. Don’t be afraid of change. Although I don’t encourage job hopping, don’t let fear hold you back from making a job change. The labor market is very job friendly right now and it never hurts to look.
  5. Look out for #1. As loyal as I am to my company, at the end of the day I need to do what’s best for me. I focus on personal development in addition to career development, take time off, and unplug when I’m home at night.
  6. Take PTO! It’s a shocker to me that so many employees let their paid time off expire, or just hoard it up to no end. Paid Time Off is there for a reason – to allow you to get away and mentally recharge. Take it!

If you want to find out more about the lack of engagement in the modern workplace and it’s impacting the financial freedom movement, check out the following infographic stats and facts: 

Infographic by USC

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