Bouncing back from injuries

Bouncing back from injuries

No one likes accidents, but unfortunately they are a part of life. Whether getting in a car accident, hurting yourself around the house, or even getting injured at work, accidents can and will happen, and sometimes they will take a while to bounce back from. It’s important to give yourself a break when in an accident and reassure yourself that taking time to recover is ok.

As many of us are employed, this post is focused around accidents in the work place. There are tricky nuances around what you’re entitled to if injured at work. Although we’d all like to quickly recover from the accident and get back to work, the reality is that your company might look for a replacement due to your absence. There are workers’ compensation laws that give you the right to return to your job once released by your physician, but there’s no guarantee that your employer will honor those rights. In a situation like this, you could seek legal assistance and build a case against your employer, but this is a time-consuming process that doesn’t guarantee you an income if your employer is being particularly nasty.

So, what’s best practice after getting injured at work and having to deal with a difficult employer?

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Speak to an attorney as soon as you’re injured

There are so many nuances around laws, your rights, and what you’re entitled to when injured that will take more than asking your boss, asking HR or reading a blog post will tell you. The very first thing you should do is speak to an attorney. Experts such as Solomon Law Group are built around protecting and serving their communities to ensure that everyone has a chance to be represented in court. Lawyers that focus on workplace injuries are probably your best bet as they’ll have more experience, especially when you need a lawyer to defend a sex crime. Having legal protection on your side can also be an effective deterrent should your manager or boss decide to make things difficult for you.

An attorney can also help you seek compensation should you feel that it wasn’t your fault. This money should be used to pay for things such as medical bills so that your finances aren’t impacted by your workplace injury.

Ensure you have a safety net

It’s also important to realize that being out of work is ultimately going to be a costly time. While your employer might agree to sick pay for a while, there might be a situation where you can no longer return to work or you might be delayed longer. When compounded by medical expenses and other related costs, you might find yourself using up your savings faster than you’d like. Situations like this are difficult to cope with, so make absolutely sure that you’re preparing for this.

You can do this by establishing multiple sources of income, such as a side hustle, and having a lot of money in your savings account (hint – emergency fund) to ensure that you can weather any expenses that come your way. Also having good insurance can help; both medical and disability. Look first at your employer during open enrollment to see what they provide and ensure that you have adequate coverage!

Nobody wants to experience a workplace injury, but it’s important that you plan ahead to protect your finances from situations like a workplace injury. You’d be surprised at how easy it is for a workplace injury to negatively affect your wellbeing and before you know it, you might have already burned through your savings. Make sure you plan ahead and seek professional advice if you’re in financial trouble after experiencing an injury of any kind.

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