5 Reasons to Get a Prenup

5 Reasons to Get a Prenup

Whenever you watch TV and you hear people talking about a prenup, it’s never usually in a positive context. A prenup on television (which we all know isn’t reality!) is often painted as a negative option, as if you expect things to end just because you’ve got married. It’s always made out as an option for those who don’t trust their partners, but in reality that’s not the case!

Most law firms will tell you that a prenup is actually a very financially smart idea. If you don’t have a prenup, you could be looking at searching for a certified divorce financial analyst near me. No one goes into marriage imagining divorce and fighting over money or personal possessions as the outcome. However, when you plan your life accordingly, you have to plan for every eventuality. Prenups may have a negative reputation but they don’t mean that you’re preparing to get a divorce; they mean so many things other than that. So, with this in mind, here are five good reasons to consider getting a prenuptial agreement worked out before you jump into marriage.

Image source: Pexels
  1. It promotes communication. It’s often said that people don’t work on their relationships anymore, and in some cases, it’s true. The thing is, no one has to stay in a situation that is making them unhappy even when they are married. You can walk away from a marriage at any time. However, a prenup gives you pause to consider your options and communicate with your spouse before the proverbial hits the fan. It also helps you to communicate early on about finances, a conversation many don’t get into until after they are married (which isn’t wise). A prenup forces you to have the tough conversations now vs having them later when you’re stressed and considering ending the marriage.
  2. You can figure out how unbalanced assets will work. If you go into a marriage with your own property without a mortgage on it, and you want to protect it, you can do that with a prenup. If you have an inheritance you want to protect, a prenup gives you the chance to specify how you want these assets to be handled. 
  3. You can put your intentions in writing. Much like a marriage, a prenup is a legal contract and it’s a place where you can determine the rights and obligations of each party and change the rules for property acquired during your marriage.
  4. Protecting your name. Are you a professional in your industry? Sometimes, entrepreneurs prefer to have a prenup in place because if the marriage doesn’t work out, the other party doesn’t get to have a slice of a business that they worked so hard for. It may sound harsh to some, but it’s a purely protective measure in place for all parties.
  5. It’s a good way to resolve disputes. You want a divorce, and instead of having anything messy to wade through, you can use the prenup that you both signed to guide you through and make the process smoother. You both know where you stand, which is helpful when feelings are hurt. It’s no longer about feelings, but the legal system.

Plan for the worst but hope for the best. Just because you have a prenup in place doesn’t mean you have to use it! It’s a great way to clearly establish intentions, communicate and plan out the hard things.

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One Response

  1. And it’s a fun kanye lyric: “holla. We want prenup!”

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