Migrating Abroad: What You Need to Accomplish

Migrating Abroad: What You Need to Accomplish

During COVID, it was not uncommon to see friends, colleagues or neighbors up and move. For some this move was temporary (i.e. my NYC colleague that moved for 6 months to Miami), for others it was more permanent. For some it was across the state, others across the country, some even across the world! For many, they were seeking an affordable destination with a great climate and a diverse culture. As we’re entering into this post COVID world, I suspect that we’ll still see some migration, as perhaps the world opening up means you can finally make the move you decided on during COVID.

However, moving to any country will be a challenging process. It will take time, effort, and money to make the transition. And, of course, there are always risks involved in any move. So, before you migrate, it’s essential to do your research and ensure that you have a solid plan!

Legal Requirements

It is essential to know the visa requirements for migrating to a new country (the link is an example of migrating to the Philippines). To avoid legal issues or complications, research and understand the specific needs that apply to you. You’ll likely find a few different visas are available for those migrating to a new country, and each has its requirements.

The most common visa for migrants is the tourist visa. This visa is typically valid for 30-90-180 days and can often be extended. To be eligible for a tourist visa, you must have a valid passport, proof of onward travel, and evidence of sufficient funds to cover your stay in the country. Another common visa is a work visa, sponsored by a local company.

A third standard visa is the permanent resident visa. This visa allows you to live and work in the country indefinitely. To be eligible for this visa, you must meet several requirements, including proving that you have a steady income and may have to meet certain health requirements. You must also have a valid passport and complete a medical examination. This can be common not only for young professionals but also retirees!

There are also several other visas available, so research the options that apply to you and ensure you meet all the requirements. Failing to do so could result in deportation or other legal issues.

Research Cost of Living and Housing

It’s essential to research and understand the cost of living and housing costs before migrating. The cost of living abroad can be relatively affordable, or it might not be! It will also vary by the area in the country where you’re looking at moving to. Housing costs can also vary significantly, so finding a site that fits your budget is crucial.

If you don’t research these costs ahead of time, you may spend more than you anticipated or struggle to find affordable housing. So, take the time to explore your options and estimate what you can expect to pay. It will help ensure your move is as smooth and affordable as possible.

If you plan to live in an urban city, you must anticipate higher housing costs. If you are looking to save money, houses might not be ideal. Fortunately, urban neighborhoods are usually full of apartment rentals and condominiums. Back to our Philippines example, try to research real estate developers in the Philippines to ensure you can find an affordable unit. The strategy will help save you money, which you can dedicate to financial stability.

Living in rural areas is another fantastic way to reduce your cost of living. Although you might have to sacrifice some amenities, the prices of goods and services are usually lower in rural areas. You can also take advantage of the country’s natural beauty by living near the beach or mountains.

Photo by Jeremy Dorrough on Unsplash

Learn the local language

Although English is quite common by both native and non-native speakers, don’t count on everyone speaking it! In the Philippines, most people use Tagalog as their first language. So, if you want to make things easier for yourself, it’s a good idea to learn at least some basics before migrating. Same goes for the language of your desired new country!

It doesn’t have to be perfect, but learning to say hello, thank you, please, and goodbye in the local language will go a long way. Not to mention, it will endear you to the locals, and they’ll be more likely to help you out if you ever need it. Suppose you want to go the extra mile, learn to count to ten, and say a few other essential phrases.

Learn Local Customs and Etiquette

Another crucial aspect of migrating is understanding the local customs and etiquette. Although the you’ll often find friendly and easy going locals, there are still some rules of etiquette that you should know.

For example, it in some countries it’s impolite to point with your index finger. Instead, it would help if you used your thumb and forefinger to gesture. You should also avoid using your left hand for anything other than cleaning yourself since it’s considered unclean. Also, when it comes to elders, it’s essential to show them respect in many cultures. Elders are often deferred to and given preferential treatment. So, if you’re ever in doubt, err on caution and treat elders respectfully.

Finally, it’s essential to be aware of your body language. Although it might not seem a big deal, certain gestures can get interpreted as offensive. For example, the “OK” sign is considered obscene, so avoid using it.


Overall, there are several things you need to accomplish before migrating abroad. From getting your paperwork to learning some of the local language, staying prepared is essential.

If you take the time to complete these tasks, your transition should be much smoother. So, start planning your move today and enjoy all the beautiful country has to offer!

Disclosure: Some links will earn me a commission.

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