Raising Money for your 2023 Startup

Raising Money for your 2023 Startup

What does your 2023 resolutions entail? For some of us it might be losing weight, exercising more, earning more or spending less money. Or perhaps you have a goal of starting a new business in 2023. Whether it’s a side hustle or a full blown quit your day job for, it’s likely going to take a lot of time, effort, and potentially money. Even if your new endeavor doesn’t require a lot of money to run it, you should consider the income you are missing out on while working at your new business.

So, you may be giving some thought to seeking investors of sorts to help finance this new business. Raising capital for a new business venture is a daunting task. But thanks to the proliferation of digital technology, entrepreneurs have more options when finding money to get their startups off the ground. From crowdfunding, angel investors and private equity groups to traditional bank loans, there is no shortage of ways to fund your next big idea. Here are four great solutions you should consider if you’re looking for need funding for your business venture:

Photo by Tim Douglas


Crowdfunding is one of the most popular methods used by entrepreneurs today to secure initial funds for their businesses. This method involves setting up an online platform through which individuals or organizations can make donations directly towards the goal of launching a new venture. The beauty of crowdfunding is that it enables entrepreneurs to get their ideas out into the world and offers visibility to potential investors or customers. Popular crowdfunding platforms include Kickstarter, IndieGoGo and GoFundMe. I know of one reader of this blog whose previous startup had a lot of success with crowdfunding. They were releasing a book as part of the business and because they had a decent following on their website they were able to crowdfund and essentially pre-sell thousands of copies of the book!

Angel Investors

Angel investors are wealthy individuals or organizations that provide capital in exchange for a portion of ownership equity in the business. These investors will usually look for projects with high growth potential and evidence of viable markets for the offered product or service. In most cases, angel investment also includes other services, such as mentorship and networking opportunities which can be invaluable resources for any aspiring entrepreneur. Angel investors are often local which can be accessed quite easily. Start googling around for entrepreneur and or angel investors in your city and start getting connected!

Small Business Loans

Traditional bank loans can also be a great way to fund your new business venture. Depending on your business size, you may qualify for a small business loan here. Small business loans can provide capital that can be used to fund expenses like inventory, equipment, and personnel costs.

It’s important to note that securing a traditional small business loan is no small feat – these days, they require extensive paperwork and a long approval process. Additionally, banks typically have strict criteria when it comes to the qualifications needed for businesses to receive funding. Qualifying businesses must generally show consistent revenue streams over the past few years as well as strong cash flow projections for the future. But on the flip side they won’t take equity so you’ll keep more of your company for yourself.

Private Equity Groups

Private equity groups raise money from investors to invest in various businesses. These investments can come in debt or equity, often requiring a large initial investment from the company. Private equity groups typically offer more considerable sums than angel investors and also provide more flexible terms when it comes to repayment. They can also be a great source of advice and counsel for entrepreneurs

These four options should be considered when searching for funding for your business venture. Each offers advantages over traditional banking, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution when finding capital to launch a startup. Ultimately, entrepreneurs must weigh the pros and cons of each option before deciding which is best for their business.

Get Creative

The final bonus option is to get creative! Depending on the business you’re starting or the team you’ve assembled, you could find grants or other interest free (or low) loans from groups like the Small Business Administration. Perhaps you’re starting an ecofriendly business, start googling for grants for business like your’s. Or google for business resources in your area – they could provide financing or potentially even better – help, advice and coaching!


Finding funding for a new business venture can be daunting, but several options are available. Crowdfunding, angel investors, small business loans, and private equity groups all offer different levels of capital and advice that businesses can utilize to get their ideas off the ground. Whichever route you choose, make sure to do your due diligence to make an informed decision.

Disclosure: Some links will earn me a commission

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