Common Cryptocurrency Jargon

Common Cryptocurrency Jargon

Despite all the negative news around crypto and how much value has been lost over the past year, crypto currencies are still very much still a thing (albeit less of a thing). Cryptocurrencies have had an immense impact on finance since their debut, from Bitcoin’s introduction to Ethereum and beyond. Their proliferation has captured investors and technology enthusiasts around the globe. However, cyrpto comes with a lot of it’s own technical jargon and if you’re going to better educate your self more on it, much less invest in it, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the terms.

Our goal in this guide is to offer comprehensive guidance that delves deep into all complexities surrounding cryptocurrencies. So you can make more informed investment decisions.

Image Credit: Worldspectrum / Pexels

What Is Blockchain Technology and Why Should I Care?

Understanding Blockchain Tech: What Is It?

At the core of cryptocurrency lies blockchain technology: an immutable distributed ledger system which records transactions securely and decentrally. Basically that means that all the records of transactions are publicly available and no one person owns it and once something has been done it cannot be undone. Why is this considered good? Well that means no one player can do any funny business and basically you can trust everybody because we’re all playing the same game and no one person makes the rules.

Each transaction is recorded chronologically into blocks linked chronologically together into an immutable chain for safekeeping. Its robust yet transparent architecture protects data integrity against manipulation or fraud attempts.

Blockchain Provides Power to Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology forms the core infrastructure of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It provides consensus across networks through mining or validation transactions to prevent double-spending. Blockchain’s immutability preserves an audit trail for each transaction. That in itself builds trust among participants within it which in turn fosters confidence. So a bitcoin or an ether are units of measurement that we have given value to (used to be a lot of value…less so now) that trade on their own respective blockchains.

Importance of Blockchain for Daily Living

Blockchain technology and blockchain mining holds enormous promise beyond digital currencies. It can really offer immense innovation across numerous industries. Thanks to its decentralized nature and transparent nature, its use cases span finance, supply chain management, healthcare services delivery and more. Plus, smart contracts enabled by blockchain help self-executing agreements which reduce intermediaries while improving efficiency. To be fair, most of this is still hypothetical and as good as it sounds, it’s not widely been adopted yet IRL. Not saying it won’t be, just saying it hasn’t happened as much as early enthusiasts hoped it would.

Understanding Common Cryptocurrency Terms

Decoding Cryptocurrency Slang “HODL, FOMO, FUD,”

Within the cryptocurrency community, many slang terms that might be unfamiliar to newcomers have emerged.

  • HODLing: holding onto digital assets rather than selling during market fluctuations.
  • FOMO: or the fear of missing out, are terms used to talk about anxiety-driven investment decisions made too hastily by individuals.
  • FUD: short for fear, uncertainty, and doubt, refers to any attempt by negative information to shape market sentiment in an adverse way.

Understand Other Key Jargon

As you enter the crypto realm, it’s critical to gain a basic understanding of some jargon. To be successful with cryptocurrency investment strategies and investment plans.

  • Altcoin: any digital currency other than Bitcoin. 
  • ICO: short for “initial coin offering,” relates to fundraising events held for new cryptocurrency projects.
  • Wallets: or digital tools that store private keys securely for digital assets management.
  • Smart Contracts: contracts which automatically execute when certain conditions have been fulfilled.

2 Unmissable Tips for First-Time Buyers of Cryptocurrencies 

  1. Do Your Due Diligence

Before investing in cryptocurrency, conducting extensive research is of vital importance. This involves reviewing projects’ credentials and reputation as well as understanding their whitepapers and development teams’ expertise. And stay in the know of cryptocurrency news via reliable sources. As well as market trends to make educated decisions.

  1. Understand Risk

The cryptocurrency market is known for its extreme levels of price volatility. Significant price swings may lead to both potential gains and losses for you first-time buyers. It’s absolutely essential for newcomers to manage that risk by setting realistic investment goals. Make sure they’re tailored specifically for you according to individual risk thresholds. Calculated decision making is crucial component in succeeding within such an unpredictable and volatile marketplace. For example, bitcoin peaked 18 months ago at $64,000 per coin and now it’s at $30,000. Volatile indeed.


Crypto jargon and blockchain technology are essential knowledge points for those new to investing in digital assets. Particularly for newcomers like first-time buyers entering this exciting world. As we progress further towards embracing this transformative technology, knowledge and awareness become vital tools in successfully traversing its frontier.

Have you invested in a cryptocurrency? Let us know your experience in the comments below. 

Disclosure: Some links will earn me a commission.

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