Collaborating Safely in Today's World

In today’s fast-paced digital world it is easy to stay connected, share information, and send rapid-fire communications as fast as your fingers can move. There are some ways to communicate that are more effective than others, however and some ways that are safer. In a world where we share so much, sometimes it’s helpful to pause and ask whether or not the manner in which we’re sharing or exchanging information is safe. Continue reading to learn more and see what will work best for you.

Use Reputable Sites Only

The online world has given you an unending wealth of content and the ability to share that content with anyone you choose. If you enjoy placing documents and videos online in an open-sharing capacity or are an eager downloader of such content, you need to know you are using the best sites available. If you enjoy blogging or participating in an online discussion, the same holds true. Even more so when you are using an online service like a bank or credit card company.

For example, if you use torrent sites to download the latest movies but have been having issues with a current popular site, try using the best Pirate Bay alternatives instead. Always do your due diligence and conduct the appropriate research to ensure any website you use to upload or download content from is safe. These sites make it easier than ever for open-source communications among online users to make information available for anyone and connect that much easier. A quick google search for the name of the site can help!

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Double Check Everything

Hitting send on a text, an email, or finishing a document without properly reviewing any of the content can, and oftentimes does, lead to miscommunications. Many people think that texts or a quick Slack message are easy, no big deal, or can easily be corrected if there is a misunderstanding. This is mostly true but you never know and it’s often better to be safe rather than sorry. Once it’s out there it’s tough to pull back!

Always be mindful that tone is not easily conveyed via text and that grammar and spell check options are so easy to use that there should never be any excuse not to implement them. No, texts do not have to always be grammatically accurate, but one wrong or uncorrected word can lead to hurt feelings and mixed messages. This is true both professionally and personally. 

Meet In Person

The days of meeting someone in person are certainly not gone or forgotten. However, they seem to be slipping away unless these moments are intentionally scheduled and thoughtfully placed in your calendar. Talking face-to-face with another person, whether a friend, family member, or colleague, is an essential skill to have throughout life.

When you are in the same space as someone else, you can read their body language, share a knowing look, and make meaningful connections that cannot always be had in an online environment. While not every interaction needs to be in person, it is beneficial to check in from time to time to ensure you are properly maintaining connections whether they range from personal to professional.

Watch this video for insight on the importance of face-to-face conversations:

Whether you choose to communicate and collaborate in an online capacity, in person, or more than likely a combination of the two, you need to be mindful of your efforts. Pay attention to where you find information online and how you choose to share it. Pay attention to social cues when you are in person and strive toward making better connections in every aspect of your personal and professional lives.

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In today’s fast paced world, pause a bit more to make sure what you are sending is the message you want to be sending, make sure the channel or tool you’re using is safe (and legal!) and don’t forget that a face to face conversation can go far!

Disclosure: Some links will earn me a commission.

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