Why young people should invest

Why young people should invest

Young professionals make up a large portion of the population in many countries, and have their whole lives ahead of them in terms of working and pursuing their goals and dreams. Unfortunately, young people often have an uphill battle against them, especially with under or unemployment. For example out of the 200 million people that are unemployed in the world 40% are young people. Whether you’ve got a job right now or are looking for one, money is probably a little tight. You’ve got bills to pay and fun to be had. However, I’d encourage you to also consider investing. Even investing a little bit now can go a long way in the future!

The earlier young professionals start investing the better for them to avoid financial challenges in the future. With good investment returns, in the long run, young people will be much better off by having a safety net, and a portfolio that hopefully provides ample side income to allow them to one day scale back working and retire.

As a young person, investing might not seem like a priority, but its never too early. Here are the benefits of investing young and watch your money grow:

Having More Time to Your Advantage

Investing at a younger age will give you the benefit of time on your side. Over the course of time, the stock market has it’s up, and it has it’s downs, but on the whole it has increased. So, with time on your side, you’ll be able to weather any storms that come your way in terms of a down market and benefit in the long run from growth!

As with learning anything new, you’ll make some mistakes. You’ll likely purchase the wrong investment, buy or sell at the wrong time, or invest too much or too little. With time on your side, you’ll be able to learn from your mistakes and correct them next time around!

Gaining a Better Experience

Experience is key because most people learn best from firsthand experience. You can spend a lot of time studying books but it won’t beat really getting into the market and learning from actually doing it. Investing at an early age will expose you to many situations that will help you gain more experience.

You’re most likely to commit a lot of errors and mistakes but what matters, in the long run, is learning from them and preventing them from happening again. An added advantage is that there is more information that can be obtained from the internet to help you overcome these pitfalls.

You Can Survive from Mistakes

A good investor must take risks when it comes to investing, and some investments will pan out, and others won’t. At a young age taking a risk is very beneficial because you have enough time to learn from any risk that didn’t work and perfect it in the future. Be careful and wise with the risks you take. Don’t take many risks that might end pilling up enormous debts or losing too much of your hard earned money in the future.

On the bright side, successful risks will deliver huge profits in the long run. It’s advisable to avoid putting all of your money in a single investment, i.e. not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversification is also smart!

You can (and should) read more about investing news to help you get a better grasp of the benefits of investing at an early age.

Compounding Returns

Compounding is any capital gained on your principal in addition to past interest returns. So, earning 10% on an $100 investment will net you $10 profit and if you reinvest that $10, earning another 10% will net you $11 next time around…and so on. So, the earlier you get started with investing the greater the compound interest returns you’ll gain in the future.

The advantage of investing at a young age is that you’ll gain compound interest returns that will maximize your profit through reinvesting.

Development of Better Spending Habits

Many young people have a problem with proper budgeting and spending their time and money. You will be able to overcome this habit by gaining better control and good management skills for your money at an early age. Through proper growth of your investment returns, you’ll be a step ahead of your game.

Reaching Your Financial Goals Faster

Investing early will earn you better returns and help your cash grow faster. This will benefit you a lot because you’ll be able to reach your financial goals very fast. If you are employed, investing early will help you to retire at a younger age. More than that, it will also help you to gain a better quality of life throughout your working career.

Investing your money at a younger age will help you gain better dividends and compound interests but without them, it can be difficult to meet certain life goals like having a retirement plan. Retirement is useless if you lack sufficient money that will continue to sustain your life.

Putting Your Finance to Work

Invest more with your money rather than just keeping it banks where it won’t earn enough interest to keep up with inflation. Through good investments, this money can be put to use and gain you more profit (compounding interest). Over time, your investments will continue growing and growing, almost exponentially as they compound. Soon your money will be working hard for you and returning solid profits and a nice passive income for you!

Start early

Investing at an early age will not only help you sleep better at night with that safety net, it’ll also provide you the ability to weather any financial storms that come your way, and potentially help you retire earlier! Take full advantage of the years ahead of you and invest in solid investments with a history of solid returns. With the advancement of technology (trade platforms and news) in our modern world, millennials have huge benefits of investing at an early age.

Always keep in mind that people learn better by doing. This is because young individuals have good adaptability to technology and its changes. It will help in boosting their investment plans and help them gain a quality life.

Be sure to check out the rest of our blog to get more financial advice for young professionals that will help them become better investors in the future.

Disclosure: Some links are affiliate links that may earn me a commission.

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