The hidden benefits of owning a RV

The hidden benefits of owning a RV

There are many reasons why people choose to own a RV or mobile home. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that they are much cheaper than traditional homes. In addition, RV/trailers can be moved from one location to another, which makes them perfect for people who like to change their scenery often. Mobile homes/RVs/Trailers definitely peaked in popularity during COVID when many young professionals packed up, headed out and lived on the open road. Also shoutout to YMF’s brother who will soon be heading on a RV trip to Maine! Aside from the benefit of being able to follow where the open road takes you, here are some of the other benefits of owning a mobile home.

Via Pexels

Maintenance and Repairs

Mobile homes are easier and cheaper to maintain than traditional homes. There’s less parts, less stuff and the things that could go wrong are often smaller. You can also do upkeep and routine maintenance to extend the life of your RV/mobile home. For example, if a pipe bursts in your mobile home, it will be much less expensive to repair than if the same thing happened in a traditional home. Depending on your level of comfort with being handy, you might even be able to DIY it! On the other hand, the work might be harder to come by as it might be tough to find repair people familiar with RV/mobile homes.

Property Taxes

Another benefit of owning a mobile home is having much lower property taxes than traditional homes. This is because the value of mobile homes is generally much lower than that of conventional homes. Depending on where you live, property taxes could be anywhere from the hundreds of dollars to the thousands of dollars to the tens of thousands of dollars. Depending on if the structure is permanent or not (i.e. can you easily move it), you might not owe any property taxes (aside from the land if you owned that), but on the other hand if you’re moving it you might have to have auto insurance on it.

Size, Layout and Energy

Mobile homes are typically smaller than traditional homes, which can benefit people who don’t need a lot of space. In addition, mobile homes often have a more open floor plan than conventional homes, making them feel more spacious. Mobile homes are typically more energy-efficient than traditional homes. This is because they have less space to heat and cool, and they are often made with energy-efficient materials. Mobile homes are becoming increasingly popular with people who want to reduce their carbon footprint. They use less energy to heat and cool than traditional houses, and they can be outfitted with solar panels and other green features.

Photo by Togo RV on Unsplash


Many people who live in mobile home parks enjoy the sense of community. People who live in mobile home parks are often close to their neighbors and have a shared interest in taking care of the park.


Another benefit of owning a mobile home is that they offer flexibility. For example, if you need to move for work or family reasons, you can take your home. This isn’t possible with a traditional home. One of the best things about mobile homes is that they give you the freedom to live anywhere. If you get tired of living in one place, you can pack up your home and move to another location. This flexibility is something that many people find appealing. Top Notch Homes can help you with the purchase of a mobile home if you need more information.

Speed of Construction:

Another advantage of mobile homes is that they can be built relatively quickly. This is especially beneficial if you need a place to live right away and don’t want to wait months or even years for a traditional home. 

There are many benefits to owning a mobile home. They are more affordable than traditional homes, can be built quickly, and are environmentally friendly. Consider a mobile home if you’re looking for a new place to live. You may find that it’s the perfect fit for you.

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One Response

  1. I like that you mentioned how flexibility is a benefit that RVs could offer. My dad and I wish to go camping sometime and I think owning an RV would be great for that. Additionally, we could just hire RV travel trailer transport services if we ever need to transport the RV to a far location.

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