How to Find the Best Candidates Abroad

How to Find the Best Candidates Abroad

The number of foreign-born workers in the United States reached around 28.4 million in 2019. That’s about 17.4% of the total labor force in the U.S. The majority of these workers are in the Pacific states, with around 27.8%, followed by workers in the middle Atlantic states with 21.4%. Finally, the east-south central states have about 5.5% of foreign workers in the country.

Are you looking for the best candidates for your next hire? Depending on the industry you are in, you may be faced with a very real talent shortage locally and looking for hires abroad might be your best option! This is becoming much easier with the vast pool of talent available online, and broadening your search for talent can prove a worthwhile endeavor. Here are a few tips to help you find the best candidates for your next position, no matter where they may be!

Use a Recruiting Agency

One of the best ways to find high-quality candidates for your company is to use a recruiting agency. These agencies have extensive networks of qualified professionals, so they can help you find the best candidates for your needs. Workers abroad may have different rules and regulations, as well as having them work for you might come with some complexities. Recruiting agencies have expertise in the recruitment process, so they can help you find the most qualified candidates quickly and efficiently.

There are many benefits to using a recruiting agency, but one of the most important is that they can help you save time. The recruitment process can be very time-consuming, so using an agency can help you free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business. In addition, agencies can also help you save money. They can negotiate with candidates on your behalf and find the best possible salary for your budget.

Overall, using a recruiting agency is one of the best ways to find high-quality candidates for your company. They can help you save time and money and have the expertise to find the best possible candidates quickly and efficiently. Using a recruiting agency is the best way to go if you are looking for the best candidates for your business.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Post Your Job on an International Job Board

There are several advantages to posting your job on an international job board. As discussed, by casting a wider net, you can attract a more diverse pool of candidates with the skills and qualifications you need. You can also find candidates who are already living or working in your target market, which can save you time and money on relocation costs.

An international job board also allows you to reach out to a larger pool of passive candidates. These individuals may not be actively looking for a job. But they would be open to new opportunities if the right opportunity arises. Casting a wide net on an international job board gives you the best chance of finding the top talent in your industry. Contrasted to using a recruiting agency that might be more expensive to work with, a job board will likely be more cost affordable for you as you look to hire in terms of not having to pay as many fees.

You should include a competitive salary and benefits package when posting on the job board. The benefits you can offer depend on the country you are hiring in. For example, you may want to provide health insurance and a 401(k) retirement savings plan if you are hiring in the United States. Depending on their location it might be worthwhile offering more localized benefits. For example, you can also offer the candidate an educational plan in the Philippines if the family is based there. You may also need to offer visa sponsorship and relocation assistance to attract the best candidates from overseas.

Utilize Social Media

There are many benefits of using social media to find the best candidates abroad. The most obvious benefit is that social media allows you to cast a wide net and reach many potential candidates quickly and easily. You can also use social media to learn more about potential candidates, including their skills, experience, and qualifications. Social media makes it easy to connect with potential candidates and learn more about their interests and motivations. Finally, social media can help you evaluate candidates more effectively by providing a forum for feedback from other professionals.

Despite these benefits, it is crucial to remember that social media should not be the only tool you use to find candidates abroad. You will also need to consider other factors, such as the specific needs of your company and the countries where you are searching for candidates. Additionally, you will want to use various sources to find the best candidates, including online job boards, professional networks, and personal connections. By taking a comprehensive approach to finding candidates abroad, you will be sure to find the best possible match for your company.


Plenty of qualified candidates would be perfect for your open positions-you just have to know where to look for them. By following the tips in the article, you’ll find the best candidates for your business-no matter where they may be!

Disclosure: Some links will earn me a commission.

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